Everyone can learn to swim Comfort comes first You can float vertically Overcoming fear IS learning to swim Having fun is the best way to learn Feel safe all the time Overcome fear without feeling afraid Go at your own pace Learn with your swimming people It’s amazing what 5 days can do Correct information does wonders!


Introduction, Essentials 1, Freestyle

Because it works and you can stay home.
Since Hazel lives in Germany and it was during Covid (March, 2020), she took the online Essentials 1 course.

Now it’s recorded and you can take it at your leisure. Listen to her experience.

Overcoming fear is about more than “arms and legs.” A significant part—if not all—of fear is about our beliefs, memories and (mis)understanding. Our online courses do poetic justice to the softest aspects of learning to swim. Learn remarkable material at home in Essentials 1 Online.

Kiddie Pool Back Float
Our online course students had creative ideas. Of course you can learn to float in an inflatable kiddie pool!

Essentials 1 Course Online

When you think about being in the middle of a deep pool, how do you feel?

◈ Does your heart speed up?
◈ Do you feel tense?

Just as you can feel fearful without the water, you can overcome fear without water, too.  We proved it.

$199 for 8 recorded lessons, 19 hours of rich conversation, transformation, and learning by visualization. This is your swimming tribe. You’ll feel as though you’re in the class— the class asks the same questions you have.

“Everything you always wanted to know that no one ever told you”

It is literally impossible to fail if you try our system.

There’s key information you must have to overcome fear and learn to swim. It’s covered in our online course. You’ve already tried going to the pool to learn. Something more is essential. Sign up for it!

A dry-land component has always been a strength of our in-person courses. In the online course, you’ll learn from the same conversations and points made in our in-person Essentials 1 course. They teach precisely what you need to know, filling in the gaps of what’s been missing.

You’ll also learn skills by visualization in each session. To many people, it’s astonishing. Ask all your questions and get satisfying answers.

Though you will need to prove the learning to yourself in the water, you can get started and make remarkable progress online. It doesn’t produce the exact same results as the in-person course, but accomplishes up to half of what you would learn in the in-person course. Get started at home.



Video of Online Course Student

Our grads send “Show & Tell” videos of what they learned in our online course. Imagine what you could learn!

Visualize learning in a safe place where you're sure to succeed

Count On:

◈ Being surprised
◈ Learning with others who feel as you do
◈ Discussing topics you’re grateful to address
◈ Changing your beliefs
◈ Feeling safe
◈ Overcoming fear without being afraid


   ◈ Changing your mind and changing your life.

   ◈ 8 ~three-hour classes pre-recorded online: $199

   ◈ Introduction: 1st session of the Beginning  course, $19


"My swimming changed in an online course."​

“…But there it happened: I did a back float without holding on! And a front float! Without holding on! So I thought why stop here – let’s do back float – unfloat – front float and the other way round. And I did!!! I was amazed at myself. Could this really be happening? I am so proud of myself!” —Hazel

Mary Ellen


Mary Ellen: “I”m glad to know there’s another way to learn that doesn’t involve banging my head against the wall.”

Start where you are today and skip no steps. Begin learning to get your safety from yourself rather than the bottom or the side—online.

8 ~three-hour classes, part spent on the “dry-land” component of the course and part is learning skills by visualization. With breaks, the duration is ~19 hours.

advanced divider

Online Introduction to Miracle Swimming

Our FREE 2-hour Introduction to Miracle Swimming Online is the first session of the Online Essentials Course. It gives you the full taste of Miracle Swimming. It demonstrates that we understand where you “are,” we’ve taught people at your level for 39 years, and we have a remarkable solution. Breakthroughs guaranteed.

Results of Intro Course Online:
First breakthroughs, hope
Learn what we teach and how it works
Understand your situation in a new way
Determine whether Miracle Swimming is for you
Decide your next step

Discussion and visualization

Online Freestyle Course

You must be a graduate of our Essentials 1 and preferably Essentials 2 (formerly Beginning and Next Step) and Deep Water Play courses to take Online Freestyle. Please check with us for your eligibility by clicking here.

Discuss the building blocks of freestyle and learn drills with online videos in class. Go to a pool to practice. Send a video of yourself to the instructor before the next class meeting. Feedback and new understanding take you to the next level.

There are ten weekly sessions of 1-2 hours depending on the number of students in class. The course may be taken privately. Build a comfortable, sustainable freestyle for lap swimming.

“A lifelong dream of mine was to become a swimmer and be able to swim on a team. But fear and lack of ability kept me from this goal and dream. I felt it was impossible. But two years ago I set a goal for myself that I was going to make this happen for myself somehow. Well, on Thursday night May 13th, 2021 I accomplished that goal and made my dream come true. I just had my first practice with the City of Thornton Masters Swim Team. I can’t believe I’m actually saying this. It was a good practice and I have a good coach. If my future self traveled back in time to May of 2019 and told me that two years from now would be swimming on the Masters Swim Team, I would not have believed it. It was not an easy road, and there were times I wanted to give up on this goal, but I just pushed on. Even the pandemic didn’t stop me, having to do my swim lessons on Zoom with my swim instructor down in Florida. But that is where I made my best progress. I want to give a big shout out to Melon Dash my swim instructor for helping me get to this point. She is the best Adult swim instructor in the country.” Dwayne Kajfosz

At left: Dwayne learning the front and back floats, June, 2019. Below: 2 laps of freestyle during his online course, finishing April, 2021.